Category: Pregnancy Tips
For the health and development of their baby, it is absolutely critical that pregnant surrogates remain healthy, and an important part of that is to maintain a healthy diet. …
Believe it or not, a baby isn’t the only good thing you get out of childbearing – even if you’re a surrogate mother who doesn’t keep the baby, there …
Digestion-related side-effects are very common during the first trimester of your surrogate pregnancy. During this period, it’s especially important for surrogate mothers to eat healthy. You may experience a …
While pregnancy is generally a wonderful experience, some surrogate mothers do unfortunately endure certain discomforts in the process. Edema is one of the most common of these; it’s characterized …
As a surrogate mother, it’s critical that you maintain a healthy, nutritious diet during your pregnancy. Experts recommend that you consume about 300 more calories per day than you …
Once the legal contract is in place, the surrogate and her intended parents can begin the medical aspect of surrogacy. This can be confusing for first-timers – a good …
Surrogate pregnancy is thrilling and amazing, whether it’s your first or not. But as you know, it can also be seriously uncomfortable – especially in the later stages, serious …
Many surrogate mothers have experienced cravings during pregnancy for foods that they couldn’t have cared less about before. Some of these cravings are healthy for you and good for …
While food cravings are a well-known symptom of pregnancy, surrogate and otherwise, it’s still not quite understood what causes them. Some experts believe they’re meant to indicate nutritional deficiencies …
One of the most common discomforts associated with pregnancy is acid reflux, or heartburn. Several factors associate this with pregnancy, but they boil down to hormonally-driven bodily changes. It’s …